Aesculus glabra









Owner: Elizabeth & James Bentley
Nominator: Norfolk Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST)
Height: 16.2 m (53 ft)
 51.59 cm (20.3 in)
 162 cm (63.8 in)


The Ohio Buckeye is a member of the horse chestnut family and is native to the midwestern United States. It can also be found locally in the extreme southwest of Ontario. It is the state tree of Ohio, where it is found primarily throughout the state as an understory tree. A medium-sized tree, it typically reaches heights of 15-25 m and prefers moist, well-drained soils in partially sunny to partially shaded conditions. Its lightweight wood is used in the production of artificial limbs and it is considered good luck to carry a buckeye nut in one’s pocket. Ohio Buckeye has showy yellow-green flowers in early spring, emerging just before or with their foliage. The fruit is encased in slightly spiny, golden-brown husk. Each leaf has five leaflets that are smaller and narrower than those of the horse chestnut. (Source: Ohio DNR )

Ohio Buckeye leaf (Source: Ohio DNR )