Welcome to the Norfolk Woodlot Association – NEWS and EVENTS page. Check back often as it will be updated as new EVENTS and WORKSHOPS are planned up


NEWS & EVENTS  for 2025:

March 5 – 2025-  NWOA AGM – Delhi German Home  -….   see meeting tab for details


NEWS & EVENTS  for 2024:

October 18, 2024  – 1:30- 4:30 Tour  Long Point Eco-Adventures

NWOA is happy to announce a tour of the Forest Stewardship Certified (FSC) Forest at Long Point Eco-Adventures (LPEA). In collaboration with the Ontario Woodlot Association, LPEA has worked to have the Carolinian forest on the property and their management recognized through the Forest Stewardship Council certification. Learn more about the FSC certification, and LPEAs forest management on October Friday 18th from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.  There is ample parking plus the Marshview restaurant and patio will be open.  See you there!”

Check out the Sept Newsletter for more details


Attention Students:   get your application in for ;

The Harry B. Barrett Bursary Fund
A bursary fund supporting students that are specializing in nature , the environment, and conservation , science based study and field work in Norfolk County, Ontario

Application Deadline:
Opens on May 1, 2024; Closes on August 15, 2024
Amount:        $2,000

click on ‘ Continue reading ‘  link below for full information and application instructions




APRIL 1st  2024   –   Orders due for  ‘ROOTS of HOPE’   Fundraiser 

Please Support the Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice “Roots of Hope” fundraiser, it means more
than just enhancing your property it supports compassionate care closer to home. Orders due
April 1st. Order securely online today

Pickup  April 26 or 27    9-4 pm
pickup location; Porter Lumber 1441 St. Johns Road East , Port Dover

see this link for more info – 20240319 NorfolkHaldiman CommunityHospice Tree Fundraiser fb [4251]



MARCH  23, 2024  10am to 1pm   Chainsaw Sharpening and Maintenance Workshop

BYOC – Bring Your Own Chainsaw for an Interactive Workshop on Chainsaw Sharpening and Maintenance! The Norfolk Woodlot Owner’s Association (NWOA) is pleased to offer chainsaw maintenance and sharpening workshop for NWOA members on Saturday, March 23rd. If you own and operate a chainsaw, this event is for you! This 3-hour workshop will be led by Jeff Dickie (Professional Arborist) and will cover a range of maintenance related topics: disassembling, cleaning, servicing, and sharpening. It is meant for chainsaw users of all skills and abilities. Participants are to bring their saw and sharpening tools to the session. This is a hands on and interactive workshop and space is limited to 10 participants.

Where:    Long Point Region Conservation Authority Workshop, 597 Thompson Road West, Waterford

Cost:    $25/per person, payment by cash or cheque (Norfolk Woodlot Owner’s Association) on day of event

 What To Bring:  Chainsaw, sharpening tool, safety gloves and goggles, snacks and drinks.

PLEASE  RSVP/Register   by   email: kristensbernard@gmail.com




NEWS EVENTS  for 2023:

APRIL  30, 2023 2:00pm Simcoe Research Station

This is to invite you and your membership to a presentation on GENETICALLY ENGINEERED AMERICAN CHESTNUT: Discussion of the Risks on Sunday April 30th at the Simcoe Research Station at 2:00 PM  The speaker is Dr. Ricarda Stienbrecher of  the UK.  Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher is a biologist and molecular geneticist. I have attached a flyer with all the details which I hope you will email out to your membership.

Sincerely Yours in the Preservation and Restoration of the American Chestnut

Ron Casier


Canadian Chestnut Council

JUNE 9 , 2023,  9:30- 3:30   A forest history tour through the St. Williams Conservation
Reserve and Backus Woods.
Presented by ‘Forest History Ontario’ ,   cost is $40.00 for NWOA and registration is required.
see attached flyer for details
FHSO Tour Flyer 2023[861]







NEWS EVENTS  for 2022:

Date: Thursday, December 1, 2022

Element 5 Tour                  A Cross-Laminated Timber Facility

The Norfolk Chapter of the Ontario Woodlot Association organized a field tour at Element 5, a Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) manufacturing facility in St. Thomas,  on December 1st 2022. The tour was attended by 14 members, mostly from Norfolk Chapter and 5 joined us from the Brant Chapter.  A huge thanks to Mike Penner for setting up the tour and our host and guide Ben Horvat.  The tour was well organized and each participant was given a headset (to be able to hear the tour leader). We saw much of the plant operating in production mode taking us through the steps used to create the final product.

It is a huge facility and at just one year old they are already planning for a large expansion which will double the plant size. The production is highly mechanized and computerized and they can produce Glue Laminated Timber, Nailed laminated Timber, Box Panels, and Cross Laminated Insulated Panels.

What is Cross Laminated Timber? Simply put, CLT is a wood product made up of multiple layers of lumber held together with strong adhesives to create large wooden panels. The panels are used as walls, floors, ceiling, roofs, in new construction.

Element5’s CLT is made from wood sourced here in Ontario and replaces traditional building materials like steel and concrete.   They can customize panels, beams etc. per Engineering design , with panels up to 11Ft wide  52ft long and 15” thick .

Element5 is on the leading edge of innovative and sustainable building technology. Their CLT product, is being used to construct residential and commercial buildings across Canada.  You can see more of their products and building projects at

Website:  https://elementfive.co/  and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elementfiveco

Interested in joining the next Norfolk Chapter event? Watch for updates in your email and on the Norfolk Woodlot Owners Association website: www.norfolkwoodlots.com

this article with pictures of the tour can be seen at this link Element 5 tour report R2


December 3rd and 4th.  Chainsaw course   (hosted by  Brant Chapter – OWA)

Chainsaw course to be held on December 3rd and 4th.
Cost is $300 plus $25 for lunches and snacks
The venue will be east of Brantford in Brant County
Participants supply their own chainsaw and safety equipment

Day one will focus on safety. Day two will focus on sharpening and
maintenance, plus provide an opportunity for field practice.

The instructor is Brian Lawrence, author of the recent chainsaw use articles
in The Ontario Woodlander.

RSVP  and info Call Neil Dunning, 519-753-6574 for more information.




Saturday May 14th, 9 am – 11:30 am. …. Birding Hike 

Save the Date: 

Join Ian Fife and Samreen Munim from the Forest Birds at Risk Team at Birds Canada for a morning stroll with the birds on Saturday May 14th, 9 am – 11:30 am.  This will be a joint event with the Long Point Basin Land Trust.  The walk will explore the trails at the Land Trust’s Arthur Langford Nature Reserve near Frogmore in the western part of Norfolk County.  Pre-registration required (to make sure we have enough leaders available). To register go to the LPBLT website:  https://longpointlandtrust.ca/events/a-morning-stroll-with-the-birds/.


Saturday  April  23rd , 2022  ; 10am

See Natural Regeneration in a Harvested Pine Plantation

Located in the northwest corner of the intersection at Charlotteville Road 10 and Charlotteville West Quarterline.

There is plenty of room to park along the south side of the woodlot and on the north side of Charlotteville Road 10, which is the first intersection north of Pinegrove.
On Saturday April 23, 2022 the walk with Q&A begins at 10am sharp.
It is an informal walk, for those interested in seeing natural regeneration up close in a former pine plantation.




NEWS EVENTS  for 2020:

November 26 at 7pm – 8pm   ( ON-Line Webinar) Join Ian Fife, Forest Birds Program Coordinator for Birds Canada Cavity and stick nests and the birds that build them by Ian Fife as he describes how to identify common cavity and stick nesting birds you may find in your woodlot. He will also describe the type of habitat they prefer as well as what to look for when identifying their nests. All members will be emailed an invitation to attend this webinar. See November 2020 newsletter for full details.

Saturday, November 28tLandon – Gaps – 2019 – No Bufferh at 10:00 am   ( Tour summary below )

THE NWOA member Woodlot Tour November 28th 2020

We had perfect fall weather for a Woodlot tour on Nov 28th. Thanks to Dolf Wynia and Mike Penner for arranging the tour. We had a great turnout of 24 members. The first tour was near Walsingham on the woodlot owned by Lyle & Laurie LaForge. The woodlot has been marked for harvest which is expected to begin in the near future. It has over 12 species in the marked prescription with a heavy Beech removal, in part due to the Beech Bark Disease. Dan Marina provided the lead in showing the affected Beech trees and information on the symptoms, stages, and current status on the spread of the disease.  Dan also pointed out various trees having Gypsy Moth egg masses, and information on the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, an invasive species threatening Hemlock .  These information sheets are available on the website.

The next Woodlot tour stop was at the Landon Tract, owned by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. At this woodlot Debbie Thain and Chris Reinhart led us on a tour of the Landon Group Selection Project. This project was first established in 2001 in partnership with the MNR, which was essentially a research project to see how the woodlot reacted to harvesting using Group Selection, where 12 gaps /pods of different sizes were created. These gaps were cleared leaving only desired seed trees on the perimeter. The project was last manually tended in 2008. In 2020 the LPRCA decided to continue on with this project by creating 8 new gaps. The harvesting of the new gaps is currently underway and we were able to tour the work in progress as well as the original experimental gaps from 2001. The full briefing provided by Debbie Thain (LPRCA) can be found in link below :

Woodlot Tour Group Plots – Quick Review




 2020 AGM  MAR 4th Delhi German Hall –    see details under meeting tab


NEWS EVENTS  for 2019:

WOODLOT TOUR –    “After the CUT ”   NWOA Member Site Visit —  The Dukelow Family Woodlot – 

WHEN : Sat. April 27  2019, 1 pm ……………  rain date   April 28, 2019,  1 pm

LOCATION:   8th Concession Road, Charlotteville,
The lot is located on the south side of the 8th Concession Road, Charlotteville, 1 Km. West of the East quarter line and 4 Km. East of the Turkey Point road. There is no ‘911’ identification number.

The commercial cut has now been completed at the Dukelow family woodlot.  The tour is designed to show the “ AFTER  the CUT  “ features of the woodlot.   ( see pre-cut tour Nov.  25, 2017 ,below)     David Holmes (Forester) has volunteered to return as our facilitator.  Please dress for the weather and bring your boots.




NEWS EVENTS  for 2018:



WOODLOT TOUR –   NWOA Member Site Visit —  The Dukelow Family Woodlot – is  CANCELLED  / POSTPONED FOR NOW

We Plan on rescheduling for a spring date —   stay TUNED


WHEN : Sat. Nov. 17  2018, 1 pm ……………  rain date   Nov. 24, 2018,  1 pm

LOCATION:   8th Concession Road, Charlotteville,
The lot is located on the south side of the 8th Concession Road, Charlotteville, 1 Km. West of the East quarter line and 4 Km. East of the Turkey Point road. There is no ‘911’ identification number.

The commercial cut has now been completed at the Dukelow family woodlot.  The tour is designed to show the “ AFTER  the CUT  “ features of the woodlot.   ( see pre-cut tour Nov.  25, 2017 ,below)     David Holmes (Forester) has volunteered to return as our facilitator.  Please dress for the weather and bring your boots.


WHEN :  Sunday , May 27th 1 pm
RSVP:   Please let Kristen know if you are attending at email below

The Norfolk Woodlot Owners Association is hosting a tour of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Lake Erie Farms property on Sunday, May 27th.  The Lake Erie Farms property is in NCC’s Norfolk Forests and Long Point Wetlands project area, which aims to create an assemblage of private and public conservation lands in the heart of Carolinian Canada through securement and restoration.  

Southwestern Ontario Program Director Kristen Bernard will take interested participants on a tour of this 161 hectare property to showcase the restoration and research happening on the property and share NCC’s work in Norfolk County. For more information or to register for the tour please contact Kristen Bernard at Kristen.bernard@natureconservancy.ca. We will meet at 1 pm at the trail entrance at 453 Norfolk County Road 60. Participants are advised to wear long pants, sturdy hiking shoes and a hat. Please bring your own water, sunscreen and bug spray will be provided.

MORE DETAILS…NWOA Lake Erie Farms Tour Advertisement


PAST EVENTS for 2017:


WHEN : Sat. Nov. 18 2017, 1 pm ,  now  Sat Nov 25th 2017 1pm

LOCATION:   8th Concession Road, Charlotteville,
NWOA Member Site Visit The Dukelow family woodlot on the 8th Concession Road, Charlotteville, will be the site of a tour on starting at 1P.M. The lot is located on the south side of the 8th Concession Road, Charlotteville, 1 Km. West of the East quarter line and 4 Km. East of the Turkey Point road. Look for the orange gate. There is no identification number. The woodlot is 50 acres containing mixed hardwood with a portion of mixed pine plantation. There has been no commercial activity on the property for 40+ years. We recently had tree marking completed by Triple D Forestry Consultants and are planning a harvest to bring the forest into line with current best forestry practices. With this tour, we hope to demonstrate the choice making process a forester must go through before putting paint on a specific tree. An after harvest tour will be arranged at a later date so we can see the effect of a carefully planned cut. David Holmes will be our resource person. With his depth of knowledge and experience, this should prove to be a very interesting and informative outing. All are invited. The trail system is basic to nonexistent so come prepared for a real hike. Sat Nov. 25/17 at 1 P.M. is the rain date alternative.


Thursday March 23, 2017 | 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, – Empowering Landowners in Conservation
You are invited toa free public workshop designed for the farmers and landowners of Norfolk County:
Delhi Hungarian Hall, 71 King Street, Delhi, ON N4B 1X7 –  see  attached file for full details Workshop 3 Invite – Engaging Landowners in Conservation

The “Empowering Landowners in Conservation” workshop will be hosted by the Long Point World Biosphere Reserve Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and thanks in part to funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Norfolk County – 20 year Forest Management Plan
Your input is requested as the County develops its 20 year Plan for the Count Forests – please complete the short survey in the attached file.

Norfolk County Forest Plan Survey


Saturday, March 11th, 2017  1:00 pm – 3:00 pm,  Backus Woods in Winter:  Tree Ecology Hike

NCC ecologist Brett Norman will take us on a crisp winter walk in the North Tract of Backus Woods to learn how to identify trees in winter and their ecology.
Meet at the Backus Woods parking lot off of Hwy #24 at 1 pm.  Dress for the season!

Contact Bernie at 519-428-0706

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017 –  Baumann Sawmill Field Trip ( SOLD OUT )

Join the members of the Norfolk Woodlot Owners Association on a day trip to the Baumann Sawmill located in Wallenstein (30 minutes north of Kitchener)., the heart of Mennonite farming country. Baumann Sawmill is a unique business in southern Ontario offering services in tree marking under Good Forestry Practises, woodlot management planning, Forest Stewardship Council Certification, and outreach to woodlot owners looking for expert advice. Cost for transportation is $20.00 per person. We will meet at the Delhi German Home departing at 8:30am sharp. Space within the Baumann Sawmill is limited so participation will be capped at 20 people. Please email NWOA Director Betty Chanyi at bbchanyi45@hotmail.com to register. See full details in Feb Newsletter.


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING,   Wednesday March 1st , 2017 7:00 PM

Delhi German Home – Delhi
 Forestry Information Vendors & Information Displays – open at  5 pm
ON-LINE, Go to www.norfolkwoodlots.com go to ‘Members Tab’ select Membership Renewal, and pay by PayPal or a Credit Card.
o Mail  Membership Application to with payment to:
NWOA c/o of Norfolk Forestry 95 Culver St. Simcoe, ON N3Y 2V5
o During business hours drop off Membership Application at      Norfolk County Community Services Department 95 Culver St. Simcoe

[/fusion_title]  Check back often  for  changes and updates ;




  Note to all members: If you have a suggestion for an event or workshop that you think would be of interest to our members please contact one of the directors or send an email to: membership@norfolkwoodlots.com . Or even better volunteer to host or organize and event.  


Norfolk Field Naturalists Event – Sunday, October 2, 2016 – 1:00 pm. to 3:00 pm
Fascinating Fungi – Mushroom Identification Hike
NWOA members have been invited to join the NFN on their planned outing;

NWOA Woodlot Site Visit – October 15, 2016

The NWOA is planning a field trip to Paul DeCloet’s property in Houghton Township. We will meet at 9:00 am on Saturday October 15, 2016 at the corner of the 6th concession road and Graves Sideroad, south of Cultus. This woodlot has been intensively managed for many years with the result of abundant regeneration of tulip trees, Paul’s favourite tree species. There also is a very productive stand of sugar maple.

  Interpretative Walk – May 28, 2016 ,, Bird Studies Canada Guided Hike
     Backus Woods (south), Nature Conservancy of Canada parking area
               Join BSC Biologist and Science Educator, Jody Allair, for a morning hike of Backus Woods to learn about the conservation challenges and opportunities facing a diversity of birds at risk, including forest species and aerial insectivores.

OCTOBER 19, 2015 – TOWNSEND LUMBER   – WOODLOT and MLL TOUR    8;30 to 12 noon


Beech Bark Disease Workshop – October 28, 2015

A Beech Bark disease workshop will be lead by Dr Richard Wilson on Wed Oct 28 2pm-4pm plus an hour tour of infected woods. The workshop will be held at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs auditorium, 1283 Blueline Road (near Hwy#3). The tour will be conducted a short drive away from the OMAFRA location.




Tim Horton’s Chestnut Nursery Tour – September 19, 2015

A tour of the chestnut plantation at the Tim Horton’s Camp is scheduled for September 19th. We will leave the Springview Golf Club at 9 a.m. and arrive at our destination by 10 a.m. We will be met by Christine Vey, who will conduct a tour of the facility and grounds via tractor and wagon.

Barn Swallow / Forest Birds Workshop – September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015, 7:00 to 9:00 PM at BSC headquarters , 115 Front Road Port Rowan